Guess Who's Back

You know it’s been way to long when you have to spend about two hours figuring out how to get your blog setup locally. It turns out my Octopress setup has been dead for quite a few years now and no longer builds with any recent version of Ruby! Thanks to some docker magic giving me a door to the past when this tool-chain worked I’m back in business!

I haven’t really posted much in the last six years. The eager readers who quickly scan back for other posts will see I made a lack-luster attempt to get back into it. Somewhere in between moves and a slump I was in really kept me from exercising this practise, which has atrophied so far this feels very foreign.

So what am I up to? Well I’m back to slinging ruby for a company called TrueCar. While I’m not really of fan of ruby anymore, I’ve come to a point in my career where the language used isn’t as important to me as the problems I’m solving and the people I work with. Now, having said that, there are some no-go languages still I just won’t approach if I can avoid it; such as Java and PHP. On the flip side of the coin, the languages I keep gravitating back to are Elixir, Rust, and C#.

Aside from my professional track, I’ve been diving deeper and deeper into Rust as a result from a side-journey I took in my life about 5 years ago. Having helped in the development of a “FreeShard”, a reverse engineered server emulation for an MMORPG client, I have really become more and more entranced by the idea of creating some of my own multiplayer games from the ground up.

I’ve even dabbled into learning Blender over the last year or two, which I hope to show off some of my work in posts to come, but here is one of the first works I made which I was pretty proud of:

"Space themed Stargate Scene"
