Consolidating Vim Test Hotkeys

I’m sure most power developers have their tests bound to hot-keys in their favorite IDE, and having them in Vim is no different. I fell in love with the vim-rspec that Thoughtbot put out. It has served me well over the years and has saved me countless hours in running tests by allowing me to run them from a few short key strokes. Times have moved on however; and I needed a way to run tests in other languages.

When I got more into Erlang I cloned the closet Vim plugin project I could find that worked like vim-rspec and mapped them to <leader>es, <leader>et, etc. The idea was they where a near one-to-one clone of the vim-rspec plugin keys I had setup, where a simple <leader>s, <leader>t, and so on. This went okay for awhile until I added Elixir to the mix. I then had yet another set of key strokes to remember!

Worst of all, in my head the vim-rpsec key-bindings would always overpower the other language key-bindings. Thats when I said enough is enough! I did some reading and wrote some of my own Vim script to move all of my tests to the same keystrokes. I was able to do this using filetype in my script. Here it is in it’s entirety:

" Test Suite Mappings
map <Leader>t :call TestCurrentFile()<CR>
map <Leader>s :call TestNearest()<CR>
map <Leader>l :call RunLastTest()<CR>
map <Leader>a :call TestAll()<CR>
function! TestCurrentFile()
if &filetype=="ruby"
execute ":call RunCurrentSpecFile()"
elseif &filetype=="erlang"
execute ":call EunitCurrentFile()"
elseif &filetype=="elixir"
execute ":ExTestRunFile"
echoe "Unkown filetype to test [".&filetype."]"
function! TestNearest()
if &filetype=="ruby"
execute ":call RunNearestSpec()"
elseif &filetype=="erlang"
execute ":call EunitNearestTest()"
elseif &filetype=="elixir"
execute ":ExTestRunTest"
echoe "Unkown filetype to test [".&filetype."]"
function! RunLastTest()
if &filetype=="ruby"
execute ":call RunLastSpec()"
elseif &filetype=="erlang"
execute ":call EunitLastCommand()"
elseif &filetype=="elixir"
execute ":ExTestRunLast"
echoe "Unkown filetype to test [".&filetype."]"
function! TestAll()
if &filetype=="ruby"
execute ":call RunAllSpecs()"
elseif &filetype=="erlang"
execute ":call EunitTestAll()"
elseif &filetype=="elixir"
execute ":!mix test"
echoe "Unkown filetype to test [".&filetype."]"

This has me a little more excited to learn some more Vim script and automate more of tedious daily work away!
